After finishing "Reading Critically," I have gained knowledge on how to read and write in a more advanced manner. The author's way of elaborating on simple and short ideas is very effective in his method of writing as well. In the Essay the author elaborates on what critical thinking actually is and the steps in involves. Every seemingly unnoticeable aspect of the book must be recognized - Before even starting the reading, one must analyze the title. As well one must examine the 'when and where' of the essay also lets the reader acquire a basic concept of what will happen in the piece of writing. One must first go through the essay and read through it once, annotating while one does, and then go back and analyze the small details as well as the piece as a whole. The three big steps of critical reading are analysis, inference, and synthesis - Which allows one to break an essay essay down, make assumptions as well as questions, and then build it back up into an understanding. This essay was extremely effective in understanding the way of critically analyzing and understanding an essay to better affect my writing.
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