Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Egg Discussion Questions

What Kind was the Narrators Father before he Married? What Changes did he Undergo Afterwards?
Before the marriage he was happy and kind, but after the marriage he was lost in his ambitions.  

How does the Narrator Feel About Chickens? What does he View of them?
The narrator despised the chickens, but he also pitied them. He could never look at chickens the same after growing up with them because of the abhorrent amounts of disease and death that would occur with them and he expounded upon this by saying that if the disease "does not kill them they wait until your expectations are thoroughly aroused and then walk under the wheels of a wagon." 

Why does the Narrator Claim to have had Trouble being Happy? What are we to Make of the Narrator's Supposed Gloominess and Cautions against Optimism. 
The narrator claims to have trouble being happy because of his discouragement. This occurred because of the amount of sickness and death and the waste that became of his parent's labor. 

What Role does the Father's Collection of Grotesques play in the Story.
 The father's collection of grotesques show that he never forgot his first disappointment.

What Decisions does the Father make Regarding his Personality and Behavior? What is Wrong with this Decision and what Happens? 
The father becomes even more ambitious and decides to open up a restaurant, but does not get many customers. He later decides that this is because of the lack of entertainment so he does tricks with eggs that end in failure and him looking pathetic. 

What is the Meaning of the Narrator's Statement about the Complete and Final Triumph of the Egg?
I think the egg symbolized disappointment. Because no matter the fathers hope or ambition- to open up a chicken farm, to open up a restaurant, it always ended in failure and disillusionment, thus the triumph of the egg. 

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