Thursday, December 15, 2011

Brave New World Post # 2

1Why would the One-State allow people to go to the Reservation?
When the Reservation is so dangerous, especially to those of higher social castes, why would they be allowed to go there? It is my opinion that it is simply to reinforce their love of their place in the One State as they have not had the misfortune of becoming a savage.  Huxley addresses this question further in saying , "Old men in the past used to renounce, retire, take to religion, spend their time reading, thinking­—thinking! Now-- such is progress—the old men work, the old men copulate, the old men have no time, no leisure from pleasure, not a moment to sit down and think…” (68). This is address the question that wouldn't people feel a greater need to defy the One state to become more free; no, they have been brain washed to the point that it simply reinforces their love of the life styles/  

2. Why did Linda never return back to the New World even ?
Linda at first seems as though it was simply be because she was embarassed about what she had become; however, in the reservation she is getting beaten up and has deteriorated into a drunkard of sorts. Even with the embarassment she would have suffered returning to the New World pregnant she could have easily concealed it until she terminated the pregnancy in some way. Her son was even excluded from the Indian Culture as well. I hypothesize that she never returned back simply because of dim wit and how she felt to ashamed to return. 

3.What are Bernard's intentions in bringing John, the Savage, to the One State? 
Bernard makes it seem as though they purely selfless, but does he have other motivations? It is my opinion that  He has an ulterior motive in that  he wants to embarrass the Director by exposing him as John’s father. John accepts the proposal, but insists that Linda be allowed to go with him. Though Bernard promises to seek permission to take both of them, it seems as though he never comes to asking if Linda may come as well simply because he wants to expose John as the Director's father. 

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