Sunday, November 20, 2011

Brave New World Post # 1

In Brave New World  they have created equality by predestining each person's life through the manufacturing of Human Beings. Human beings no longer produce children, rather surgically removed ovaries produce ova that  are extracted and artificially fertilized and incubated. The techniques used to make the children is what divides them into the 5 social classes Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon.  Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon undergo a process that uses shocking to divide in embryo into nearly one hundred different identical beings. These castes serve as lower casts and therefore are more identical and the way they are brought up determines what job they shall get in life. The Alpha and Beta castes are the upper class that are made more gently and our brought up to be more intelligent and clever than those of lower castes. As well the use 'neo-Pavlovian' ways to condition the lower classes to fear books and nature and the upper classes to feel prideful of their social position. This is exemplified when Director turned on the voice that is repeated to the Betas to give them a sense of social place "Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they;re so frightfully clever. I'm  really awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear Khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse" (40).The cloning process is one of the tools the World State uses to implement it's motto: “Community, Identity, Stability.” This predestining of futures and Neo-Pavlovian conditioning is what causes equality and conformity.

They reduced conflict, by making it so that people are content with their social position and have no desire to change social classes. By banning religion, books, nature, etc, they have eliminated different aspects of individuality and further reduced conflict.  

The World State has created happiness through the use of Soma, a drug that essentially halts Humans from making cautious thought in a sense that it gives them a feeling of blissful pleasure. 

The Society in Brave New World may be described as more Dystopic than Utopic. Thought the people are happy with their social position and have no desire to switch classes, they are brain washed into this false contentment such as a dystopic society would do. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Dee and Maggie

1. Dee and Maggie have different opinions of their culture, and once Dee left, Maggie was left in her original culture to cultivate. Dee had an education and was able to grow as a plant would in a garden whereas Maggie was let in a dark cupboard with no care. She couldn't grow and learn and expand herself as Dee was able to (Walker 258). She flourished in a newer culture so her reactions would be different than those of Maggie.

2. Dee admires her old culture after she changed cultures because she can see the differences and similarities and enjoy them (Walker 261). She looks down on Maggie's culture when she says shed be backward enough to use the quilts every day (262). She tells her mother she doesn't understand her own heritage (263).

3. I don't think the mother is on Dee's side or the other side. She presents Dee in a negative light when she and the mother argue, fight, and finally walk away from each other (263). The man is shows as a backward old woman who doesn't wish to change; she is closed minded. Dee is a woman who thinks she is better than her family. If Walker were on one of their sides, she would have shown either of them in a more positive light.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Final 1984 Blog Post

Has Big Brother Won, Why/Why Not? 
Considering the fact that Winston submits to Big Brother in the end, Big Brother has won. Though this could be argued because Winston struck the base of Big Brother and argued its foundation. Such is the case when he says "In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy" (247). This is when Winston questions the basis of this government and when his internal conflict blossoms. 

Propose a Way that One State can be Brought Down
 Throughout George Orwell's 1984 Winston talks about how the One State could easily be brought down from action within the proles or the social classes. As well, they have been in war for years and their only power comes from them convincing their people to act as one blissfully ignorant, dystopic society. If the people revolted against this the society would be brought down because the thought police could not apprehend and kill all of them.

What do you Think Happens to Winston Smith at the End of the Novel?
They are both left alive, but with the full knowledge that the government could kill them anytime if it decided it was necessary. We're not told, however, if it happens a day after the story ends, a year later, or even whether it happens at all. The punishment they get is a living death of knowing that their lives are in the government's hands, not their own.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Love Language

1. These people are Chinese living in America. The man is attracted to the woman, but the woman may not speak due to the language barrier. However; later when the woman writes back in English on the sticky notes it becomes inferred that the woman is deaf. 

2. The conflict comes from the verbally linguistic to the deaf culture. The language barrier provides the conflict. 

3. The external conflict arises from the language barrier prohibiting the two from speaking to each other verbally. 

The internal conflict is their feelings for each other constricted by this language barrier causing them to feel anxious. 

5. The conflict is resolved through the use of the over used, cliche, "Love Conquers All" theme in most love stories. In this case through how he thinks she is beautiful, despite being deaf.